Prodotti tal-bronż
Customized 99.99 Pure Pure Bronz
Pjanċa tal-bronż hija prodott imtejjeb bit-teknoloġija tal-proċess tal-istainless steel. It has been widely used in recent years because of its advantages beyond the performance of stainless steel itself and its diverse product colors. The product has a highly corrosion-resistant copper layer, and the production process can maintain the original advantages of the stainless steel edge.
Il-bronż fih 3% sa 14% landa. Barra minn hekk, huma miżjuda elementi bħall-fosfru, iż-żingu u ċ-ċomb.
Hija l-ewwel liga użata mill-bnedmin u għandha storja ta 'użu ta' madwar 4,000 sena. It is corrosion-resistant and wear-resistant, has good mechanical and process properties, can be welded and brazed well, and does not produce sparks during impact. Huwa maqsum fi bronż tal-landa pproċessat u bronż tal-landa mitfugħa.